Betting On Yourself

Did you catch the guy running on the field of the Super Bowl?

Near the end of the boring blowout of a game, some bozo ran into the middle of the field to get his 10 seconds of fame.

At first I didn’t think much of it, but my friends Jeff + Pete later told me that there was more to the story.  Apparently, the guy had bet money that someone would run on the field during the game, and he stood to make a lot of money if he won the bet.  So he decided to take things into his own hands and run onto the field himself, so he would win the bet. 

Quite clever, I must admit.

While the gaming agencies caught onto his scheme and won’t be awarding him any money, I do have to give him credit for one thing.

He took matters into his own hands and bet on himself for his success.

Now this might sound a little odd, but that’s kind of how I feel when I work with new clients, and we clearly lay out their financial and retirement goals.  

They might have big aspirations (retiring much earlier than “normal” retirement age, enjoying a really fancy vacation in retirement, or moving somewhere they’ve always dreamed of living).  

In each case, they clearly outline their goals, and bet on themselves (and me) that we’ll be able to achieve them as a team.  

They are taking matters into their own hand, and betting on their future financial and retirement success.

I love working with people like that, because they’re able to say what they want, and then go put in the work to get there.

Do you have your own retirement goals you want to achieve?  I want to encourage you to bet on yourself to make them a reality. 

If you want help, go here and schedule a time for us to talk:

Have a great week,
Scott “No More Football” Newhouse