When I was a college student, I thought my finances were on solid footing. Sure, I used a credit card. But I always paid. Every month, without fail. So what was my error? I was only paying the minimum payment (insert your best Homer Simpson DOH!). I still remember driving back to school, completely dumbfounded, after my dad gently corrected my error.

I thought I was nailing it. How could I have been so wrong?

I never looked at personal finances the same again. It launched my interest in learning everything I could about personal finances, driving me to where I am today, dedicated to helping clients confidently make the best financial choices.

I show up every day ready to create clarity and build your future.


I enjoy taking on the adventure of lifestyle challenges. I’ve taken vows of poverty, I’ve lived on $7K/year to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, and spent months camping and traveling the country.

I won’t make you do that, I promise. But for me, the challenge of living free from “things” helps me focus. It helps me put spend my money in line with my values.

I enjoy hiking and reading. My friends and I have a presidential biography book club, we’re up to Andrew Jackson, with James Madison: A Biography coming in as my favorite one so far. If you’re looking for a good read, you could also try American Sphinx by Joseph Ellis about the life of Thomas Jefferson.


– University of Southern California | BA, Political Science
– Princeton Theological Seminary | MA, Divinity
– University of Georgia | Certified Financial Planner™


– Forthright Finances | Owner and Financial Planner
– Cal State University, Northridge | Adjunct Professor
– Diamond Wealth Management | Financial Advisor
– Edward Jones | Financial Advisor
– InsiderScore, LLC | Data/Financial Analyst & Project Manager


– After School Tutor | Thousand Oaks Schools
– Habitat for Humanity, Charlotte | Construction Leader
– Oasis Center | Volunteer Case Manager to Homeless Youth

some personal photos
Celebrating getting quoted in the Wall Street Journal
With my Mom and older brother
At the Berkshire Hathaway (Warren Buffett's company) annual meeting with my Dad
My Favorite…


• American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson by Joseph Ellis
• Seasons of Life by Jim Rohn
• Living The Good Life by Gordon Graham


• The Shield (this show is criminally underrated.  If you like realistic/gritty shows, this is a must watch)

• The Wire (another must watch show)
• Better Call Saul
• The Usual Suspects
• Goodfellas

Hobbies & Interests

• Running
• Pickup Basketball
• Hiking
• College Football (USC- Go Trojans!)


• Elvis
• Adele
• The Eagles
• Fleetwood Mac
• Sam Smith

Charities I support

I feel very fortunate to have had a great support system throughout my entire life.  Wonderful parents, a fun and supportive community, a safe home, challenging work and professional opportunities.  Needless to say, not everyone has these same opportunities.  Which is why I donate 10% of my firm’s profits (revenues – expenses) to these four charities: 

My youth pastor from high school started this church and has done a great job building a congregation that not only helps each other but is very focused on serving the local (and global) communities we interact with. We've worked with after school programs, homeless shelters, community food banks, and more.
Kiva is a really interesting non-profit where you make a loan to someone in another country who doesn't have traditional access to a bank. They can then use that money to start a business, get it going, and then pay you back, at which point you can lend the money to someone else. It follows the "teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" philosophy.
Oasis Center Nashville TN
I volunteered here for a year, working with homeless teenagers. They do great work, including temporary housing, counseling, job assistance, warm meals, and much more.
Charlotte NC Habitat For Humanity
I volunteered here for a year building affordable homes for folks in Charlotte (I do not miss construction in the summer!). What I love about Habitat is that they want housing to be affordable, but it's not a handout. Homeowners put in significant sweat equity, as well as pay an affordable mortgage.