What I Learned Losing $1000

Have you ever made a really bad financial decision?  Something that cost you a lot of money?  If you answered no to those questions, no need for you to read on, you are all set!  But if you answered yes, let me share what I learned losing $1,000. Years ago I was working at a company that produced research on stocks.  We had recently published some optimistic research on a small biotechnology company that had huge upside.  I was so…

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Get Financial Advice From the Forthright Finances Blog!

Like many of you, I have at time struggled with the obscure nature of finances and money. Sadly, we aren’t taught much about good financial advice in school, and are left to fend for ourselves in the real world. That’s originally why I became interested in finances over 10 years ago, and it’s what motivates me to create this blog: To help people make sense of money, and ultimately, deliver financial clarity to as many people as possible. Financial Advice…

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