What A Joe Biden Presidency Could Mean To Your 401K

Despite the hyper partisan times that we are living in, there is one thing in my experience as a financial planner that unites both Republicans and Democrats: Taxes. I work with people on all sides of the aisle, and they all want to know what they can do to lower their taxes.  As we get closer to Election Day, the polls are showing that Joe Biden has a good chance of winning, which means it’s important to understand what his…

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Thinking Of Leaving California? Here’s Two Things You Need To Do

Recently, I have met with a number of clients and friends who are thinking of getting out of the Golden State of California. It makes sense! You can cut your housing expense in half, lower your taxes, and have a better quality of life. But before you get out of dodge, you need to be mindful of two very important things, which I describe in the video below: Want a free copy of my book on retirement and taxes? Go…

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3 Year End Tax Strategies

With the end of the year fast approaching, I wanted to share some time sensitive strategies that could help you pay less money to the tax man and keep more money in your pockets. If you want help in getting this done, schedule a call with me and let’s get to work. If you want to do it on your own, read on: Maximize Your Employer Match Opportunities A lot of companies offer to match contributions that their employees make…

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Three Benefits of Health Savings Accounts

Are you looking for ways to decrease the taxes you owe?  Or have some of your investments grow tax free?  If so, read on as I describe three benefits of Health Savings Accounts (HSA). But before we get to the benefits, we have to detail who these plans are suitable for, and the one big disadvantage to them. The big disadvantage to an HSA is that you must have a high deductible health insurance plan.  Which means that while your…

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