Focus On Your Biggest Lifetime Expense, Not $7 Salt

Last week my girlfriend and I were out doing some shopping, getting some essentials so we (okay, she) could make something tasty for us later that night.

We grabbed some organic pink Himalayan salt that was marked for $2.50, along with some other things, and get to the cash register.

But once the salt is rang up, it displays a new, absurd price of $6.79. It was a classic case of an item being in the wrong section, and a new price popping up.

I rolled my eyes, did some complaining about the price switch, but still got it because I just wanted to get on with our night. And I might have been complaining about it for a bit too long.

After listening to too much of it, my girlfriend, while understanding, had a great question for me: Why are you sweating the small stuff?

It’s something we are all guilty of at some point. Focusing on something minor and inconsequential things in our lives, when there are much more important fish to fry out there. This principle is especially true when it comes to your finances.

The big stuff, the things you should be laser focused on, are things like your housing costs, the amount you’re contributing to your retirement accounts, and even TAXES….

Why Taxes? Because for a lot of people, especially those close to retirement, taxes are their biggest remaining lifetime expense (since many have paid off most or all of their home).

Some people just accept that they will always have to pay high taxes, and there’s nothing they can do about it. That simply isn’t true.

Which is why I just introduced a new service for my clients, where every year I will create an analysis of their tax returns, as well as present options to save money on taxes over their lifetime (and not just the current tax year).

If you’re interested in seeing what it looks like, go here:

All My Best,
Scott “No More Small Stuff” Newhouse

PS: If you’d like to create your own tax analysis, so that you can save so much money on taxes you won’t sweat paying $7 for salt, I’d be happy to help. Go to: to find a time for us to talk.