How To Select 401k Investments

You’ve just started a new job – Congrats!

The human resources department has probably handed you a stack of paperwork as big as a college textbook, and there’s a pretty good chance you haven’t looked through every single thing that they handed you.

One of those documents was probably the investment options that you have in your 401K. Maybe you looked at it, got overwhelmed, and just ignored it. Or maybe you just picked an option and haven’t thought much about it since then.

Given how confusing these things can be, I totally get it.

But it’s really essential that you select the right 401k investments….your future self is depending on you to make good decisions right now!

How do you know which funds to pick? And which to avoid? I answer those questions (and more) in my video below. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions.