My Awful Morning

I have been spending this month in Prescott AZ, about an hour and a half north of Phoenix.

Even though it’s close to hot and dry Phoenix, they get all four seasons here – including a huge snow storm the last couple days.

At first I was excited for the change of pace, but then reality hit me: I was born and raised in sunny California and have no idea how to drive a car in snow.

It wasn’t a problem yesterday, when I coaxed the girlfriend into driving us to the grocery store to get some essentials.

But today was a different story: I wanted to go to a coffee shop solo to get some work done.

Well, I get into my Camry and realize I have to make a 180 to get on the main road to the highway. So I turn into the driveway, attempt to back up, but the car gets stuck with the slight incline I’m trying to back up into. And I can’t seem to get it moving forwards or backwards, despite my best efforts.

Luckily for me, a kind neighbor (Bill) saw my struggles and connected a chain to his giant Jeep and pulled me out and set me on my way to some dark roast coffee.

Fortunately, this mistake only cost me 20 minutes of my time and some modest embarrassment.

While (attempting) to drive in the snow, I was trying to do something that I wasn’t equipped to do, with no experience or guidance on how to navigate it.

I have seen too many people make this same mistake with their retirement. Unfortunately for them, there are far more serious consequences of trying to DIY your retirement plan.

And just one mistake could derail their retirement goals, if they aren’t careful.

Yet they choose to go into retirement blind, thinking they can figure it out as they go.

But your retirement has much higher stakes than my morning commute – there is simply too much on the line for you to give it a shot without the experience and guidance of someone who has been there before and knows the ins and outs of the road you’re about to travel on.

If you’d like to get started on figuring out the best path to take toward retirement, without getting stuck in neutral, let’s chat. You can book a free, no sales pressure call with me here:

All the best,
Scott “Not Doing That Again” Newhouse