Want a 1 Page Financial Plan?

I was at the gym today climbing some stairs (my favorite exercise) with 10 different TV channels (mostly news) all talking about the state of the world in the country. Depending on where you looked, you could get a completely different snapshot of the world, of what’s important and what’s not.

The world we live in simply has a lot of noise, and it’s hard to know what to focus on and what to ignore.

Sadly, it’s the same way with financial information, even when working with a financial advisor.

For instance, many financial advisors I know offer their new clients a financial plan that is over 100 pages long, full of charts, graphs, and other items sure to put you to sleep. While information can be helpful, too much of it, especially when lacking clarity and wisdom, can result in confusion, inaction, and more worry.

For the 6 and a half years that I’ve been lucky enough to be a financial planner, my goal has always been to deliver clarity to my clients so they know exactly what they should focus on.

And that’s why I’m really excited to let you know of a new service I am offering: a 1 Page Financial Plan.

The purpose of the plan is to help give you guidance and clarity on the big picture items of your financial life, especially as it relates to your retirement.

I will help you get clarity on your retirement goals, explain what you can expect in terms of your retirement income, offer tax planning advice, and guidance on your investment accounts.

Even better? For the first 5 people who want a 1 Page Plan, I’ll create this with you for free.


Simply reply to this email with “I want a 1-page plan” and I’ll get you the details. 🙂

Have a great week,
Scott “StairMaster Machine” Newhouse

P.S. Whenever you are ready there are 3 ways I can help you…

1 – Grab a free copy of my books on Retirement Planning at FreeRetirementBooks.com/ (http://freeretirementbooks.com/)

2 – Check out my podcast, “Retirement Clarity Radio” by clicking here (https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/retirement-clarity-radio/id1547853355)

3 – Schedule a free discovery call with me at StartMyRetirement.us (http://startmyretirement.us/)