What I Told The Wall Street Journal

I have some exciting news…I recently completed a “bucket list” item of mine by getting quoted in the print edition of the Wall Street Journal (my favorite paper).

WSJ Scott Newhouse
Celebrating seeing my name in the WSJ with Elvis and Johnny Cash

Here’s how it happened: A reporter emailed asking “What would you tell people they should avoid doing (financially) in the new year?”

After discussing with my smarter half (thank you Lyric), I quickly had my answer:

Avoid the fear of missing out on “hot” investments like crypto or Reddit stocks that have skyrocketed in value in a very short period of time.

As you may have noticed, Bitcoin has had incredible growth in the last few years, and the Reddit stocks (AMC, Gamestop) have had months where they skyrocketed in value.

That leaves people sitting on the sidelines saying to themselves “Man, I wish I got in on that.” And beyond that, they might even decide to invest in it even after the huge growth.

So I told the Wall Street Journal two things:

1. You can still retire comfortably with a traditional portfolio of low cost, well diversified stocks and bonds. No, it’s not new and exciting, but it simply works, and it can absolutely create the retirement income you need.

2. The people who do jump into these investment fads tend to do so at the tail end of the high growth, which means that they buy at the high point, and when prices inevitably drop, they will be left with sizeable losses.

Both of those points mean to me that if you can avoid the emotional feeling that you ‘missed out’, and instead stick to a solid investment strategy that has worked, then you will be better off both emotionally and financially.

You can read the full article here: https://www.wsj.com/articles/four-ways-to-manage-personal-finances-11640645156
And you can listen in to me discuss the article in full here:

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Have a great weekend,
Scott “Need to get this framed” Newhouse

P.S. Whenever you are ready there are 3 ways I can help you…

1 – Grab a free copy of my books on Retirement Planning at FreeRetirementBooks.com

2 – Check out my podcast, “Retirement Clarity Radio

3 – Schedule a free discovery call with me at StartMyRetirement.us