How To Select 401k Investments

You’ve just started a new job – Congrats! The human resources department has probably handed you a stack of paperwork as big as a college textbook, and there’s a pretty good chance you haven’t looked through every single thing that they handed you. One of those documents was probably the investment options that you have in your 401K. Maybe you looked at it, got overwhelmed, and just ignored it. Or maybe you just picked an option and haven’t thought much…

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Are Investing Apps Worth It?

A lot has been made recently about investing apps – apps that can help you save a little bit of money here and there and then turn that money into investments in the stock market. But are they worth your time? Or should you be spending your energy elsewhere? I answer those questions (and more!) in the video below. Be sure to comment and let me know what you think.

What To Do In Volatile Markets

So far in 2018, we have seen a lot of market volatility. There are various reasons for the volatility: trade wars, tweets, interest rates, and more. In fact, 2018 has been the most volatile year in the markets since 2008. While this year has brought on more volatility than normal, this type of volatility isn’t unique. In fact, volatility is a normal part of investing and something you will experience quite often if you’re going to be invested for multiple…

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Don’t Mix Politics And Money

Let’s face it: we live in a hyper-political world.  Everything and everyone seemingly wants to bring up the latest political news.  So it’s easy to think that politics is all-encompassing. It’s in the news, of course.  But it’s also in sporting events, talk shows, and even comedy shows.  It’s everywhere. But even if politics is everywhere, there’s one part of your life where it should be avoided at all costs: Your Money. Mixing your money and your politics is one of…

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Which is better: Lump Sum or Gradual Investing?

What is the better way to invest a large amount of money:  Lump Sum or Gradual Investing? While working with widows, I’ve noticed there are some unique issues they face.  One of them is what to do with a large amount of money that they’ve suddenly received (often through life insurance proceeds, and also through the sale of the deceased spouse’s business).  Many of us are accustomed to receiving money on a regular basis through our income.  But most of us…

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