What I Told The Wall Street Journal

I recently completed a “bucket list” item of mine by getting quoted in the print edition of the Wall Street Journal (my favorite paper). Here’s how it happened: A reporter emailed asking “What would you tell people they should avoid doing (financially) in the new year?”

How To Retire: A Proven 10 Step Process

I remember speaking with a friend of mine, who was struggling to help his parents with all of their financial affairs. At his wit’s end, he asked me, “Where in the world do you go to figure out this stuff (retirement planning stuff)?” Yes, you can do some google searches, and maybe find a book or two on various topics. But what he was asking for was a step by step process of everything leading up to retirement. Where is…

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My Close Call With A Bad Driver (Why You Need Health Directives)

I do my best to stay in shape, and one of my favorite things to do is cue up a good podcast and then go for a nice run outside.

I went for one on Sunday afternoon right after church and I was breezing through the neighborhood doing my best Usain Bolt impression…

An offer you can’t refuse

I want to tell you a little bit about a Godfather offer that you might be interested in. I’ve called it the Start My Retirement Process.

It is a simple 3 step process that will show you what you need to do to secure a comfortable retirement, without worry, stress, or paying too much in taxes.

An Annual Tax Checkup? Free Offer Inside

I recently went to the Dentist for my annual check up and like I do often, saw a connection to our personal finances. Thanks to my amazing parents (and the braces they got for me decades ago) my teeth are pretty straight. However, I did get chastised a bit for not wearing my Night Guard to prevent grinding my teeth while I sleep. Meeting up with a professional, like a Dentist, on an annual basis not only helps prevent immediate…

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Focus On Your Biggest Lifetime Expense, Not $7 Salt

Last week my girlfriend and I were out doing some shopping, getting some essentials so we (okay, she) could make something tasty for us later that night. We grabbed some organic pink Himalayan salt that was marked for $2.50, along with some other things, and get to the cash register. But once the salt is rang up, it displays a new, absurd price of $6.79. It was a classic case of an item being in the wrong section, and a…

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Getting A Raw Deal On Your Social Security

My birthday is this Sunday, and my girlfriend has been asking me what I want to do to celebrate.  Should we go to a fancy restaurant?  Find a really cool activity or experience to enjoy?  All on her dime, of course 🙂 I don’t know about you, but I like a good deal.  Even when someone else is paying. That in mind, I did some searching this morning and found a great deal.  Benihana (the Japanese restaurant) offers a $30 coupon…

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Betting On Yourself

Did you catch the guy running on the field of the Super Bowl? Near the end of the boring blowout of a game, some bozo ran into the middle of the field to get his 10 seconds of fame. At first I didn’t think much of it, but my friends Jeff + Pete later told me that there was more to the story.  Apparently, the guy had bet money that someone would run on the field during the game, and he stood to make…

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My Awful Morning

I have been spending this month in Prescott AZ, about an hour and a half north of Phoenix. Even though it’s close to hot and dry Phoenix, they get all four seasons here – including a huge snow storm the last couple days. At first I was excited for the change of pace, but then reality hit me: I was born and raised in sunny California and have no idea how to drive a car in snow. It wasn’t a…

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I’m Not Making This Mistake Again

A couple weeks ago the girlfriend and I took a little vacation to Vegas to see the city and take a break from everything. One day we went to the Mob Museum and saw some of the gangsters that were later made famous by Martin Scorsese in Casino and Goodfellas (I highly recommend watching both). After that we were looking for something for dinner, and I made a big mistake:  I let her have full control over the restaurant selection….

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