The bachelor ladies teach you realistic expectations

We’ve reached the point in The Bachelors season where the bachelor and our ladytestants leave their mansion in Malibu and travel around the world finding true reality TV show love. Previous seasons have taken them to Singapore, the Bahamas, Belize and Aruba. So its no shock that the ladytestants were quite excited to hear from our host Chris Harrison on where they were off to next. Check out this picture to see their excitement as they awaited to hear the…

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The Most Hated Bachelor Contestant (So Far)

Do you know what last week was? It was the premiere of my favorite TV show guilty pleasure, The Bachelor.  If you’re unfamiliar with the show, it goes like this.  A single bachelor (Peter is this season’s bachelor) is put in a mansion in Malibu with 30 ladies vying for his attention, and his love.  If he likes one of them enough, he gives them a rose, which allows them to stay in the mansion for another week.   To keep…

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Houston, You Have A Problem

This has been a tough sports week for me.  You see, I’m a big LA Dodgers baseball fan.  Well, I really just get into it when the playoffs start – the regular season is way too long.  But that’s another story. A few years ago, the Dodgers lost in the World Series to the Houston Astros in a classic 7 game series.  It was heartbreaking at the time but I got over it (very slowly). Actually, I had gotten over it.  That…

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What The Pope Slap Can Teach You About Investing

Did you see what the Pope was up to earlier this week? It’s been all over the news, and it’s kind of been hard to ignore. The Pope was making his way through a crowd, and a woman touched him (not unusual).  But it escalated when she actually held on to the Pope’s hand and wouldn’t let go, at which point the Pope gave this woman’s hand a slight slap to get her to release her hand. Here’s the video:…

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3 Year End Tax Strategies

With the end of the year fast approaching, I wanted to share some time sensitive strategies that could help you pay less money to the tax man and keep more money in your pockets. If you want help in getting this done, schedule a call with me and let’s get to work. If you want to do it on your own, read on: Maximize Your Employer Match Opportunities A lot of companies offer to match contributions that their employees make…

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The Biggest Financial Mistake You Can Make (And How To Avoid It)

What’s the biggest financial mistake that you can make? I’ll let you think about it for a second.  Is it choosing the wrong investments? Not saving for retirement?  Or keeping a balance on your credit cards? Excessive spending? There’s a place for all of those.  But I don’t think that’s the biggest mistake we can make when it comes to money is procrastination. We all procrastinate, we all push things off at times.  Even when we know we shouldn’t. And…

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How To Select 401k Investments

You’ve just started a new job – Congrats! The human resources department has probably handed you a stack of paperwork as big as a college textbook, and there’s a pretty good chance you haven’t looked through every single thing that they handed you. One of those documents was probably the investment options that you have in your 401K. Maybe you looked at it, got overwhelmed, and just ignored it. Or maybe you just picked an option and haven’t thought much…

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Ten Rules To Build Wealth

One of the great benefits of living in the 21st century is the plethora of information that we literally have at our fingertips. However, there’s a downside to that as well: it’s called information overload. With so much knowledge out there, it can be hard to wade through what’s important and what you can (and should) ignore. That’s especially true when it comes to money. Which is why I’ve created a new video on my Ten Rules To Build Wealth….

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Are Investing Apps Worth It?

A lot has been made recently about investing apps – apps that can help you save a little bit of money here and there and then turn that money into investments in the stock market. But are they worth your time? Or should you be spending your energy elsewhere? I answer those questions (and more!) in the video below. Be sure to comment and let me know what you think.

Are Credit Scores Sexist?!?

I was hanging out with a friend recently and they asked me a question I had never considered before: Are Credit Scores Sexist? I did some research on the subject and this is what I came up with: What do you think? Are credit scores sexist? I’d love to hear from you – respond on the video or send me an email: And before you go: Are you looking to have a better relationship with money? Do you struggle…

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